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Why Do I Hit My Fairway Woods So Low?

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why do i hit my fairway woods low
why do i hit my fairway woods low
Published: 29 February 2024
Written By Munawar Sultan

Reviewed by Saba khan

Facts checked by Zafar Mehmood

If you’re like most golfers who have the question, “Why do I hit my fairway woods so low?”. You are not alone. It’s one of the biggest issues affecting your distance and accuracy in the game.

Fairway woods are one of the most important parts of any golfer’s bag. They’re dependable and versatile, whether you’re teeing off or off the fairway. But what’s frustrating is hitting your fairway woods consistently low, resulting in poor ball flight and a lack of distance.

Several factors contribute to hitting your fairway too low, such as your swing mechanics, the club you’re using, and your ball position.

Here, you’ll look at some of the most common reasons golfers club their fairway too low and share some helpful tips and techniques to help you hit your fairway more consistently and reach your full potential on the golf course.

So, if you’re wondering, “Why do I hit my fairway woods so low?” keep reading to find out!

Why do I Hit my Fairway Woods so Low?

Many golfers need help to hit fairway woods within a few feet for a few reasons. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why:

Improper Ball Position 

One of the most important factors in trajectory is where your golf ball lands in your stance. If your ball is too far behind you in your stance, you will have a downward strike, resulting in lower shots. Try moving your ball slightly forward in your stance to create a more upward strike.

Swing Angle 

The angle of attack can be steep or downward, resulting in the ball remaining closer to the surface. Focus on a shallow, sweeping swing, allowing the club to hit the ball on the way up.

Club head contact 

If you hit the ball consistently with the clubface at a lower angle, it can result in lower shots. Ensure you consistently hit the clubface at the center or just above the center.

Weight Distribution 

It’s all about balance and weight distribution. If you’re swinging with your back foot on the ground, it’s more likely that you’ll end up hitting the ground. During the downswing, shift your weight to your front foot to create more of an upward strike.

Club Selection 

Another factor to consider is club selection. Many golfers aim for more distance from the tee with fairway woods that have less loft, like the 3-wood or even the 5-wood. These clubs can produce much power but don’t always give you the best launch angles and carry the ball up the fairway.

If you’re always having trouble hitting the fairway low, you might want to try a more lofted club, like a higher-numbered fairway wood or a hybrid. They’re designed to hit the ball higher, giving you more height and distance.

One way to fix this is to shift your weight forward during your downswing and relax your grip pressure. It will help your swing shallow and allow you to hit the ball higher.

Technical Adjustments 

In addition to making these technical changes, assessing your equipment is important. Your fairway wood’s shaft flex is a major factor in how your fairway woods perform. If your shaft flexes too much, it can prevent you from getting a higher launch.

On the other hand, if your fairway wood flexes too little, it can lead to inconsistencies in your swing and result in a similar lowball flight. Make sure the fairway wood flex you’re using matches your swing speed and stroke speed. Talk to your professional club fitter to see if you need to change your fairway wood shaft flex to improve your ball flight.

Grip pressure and tension

Grip pressure or tension in the hands and arms can prevent your swing from flowing freely. When you relax your grip and keep your swing flowing, you will have a more natural and elevated ball flight.

Exercises and Drills to Enhance the Trajectory of Fairway Woods: 

If you’re looking to improve your fairway woods trajectory, you can add a few exercises and drills to your training routine that will make a big difference. These drills are designed to help refine your swing mechanics and improve your overall swing speed, power, accuracy, and ball flight. With consistent practice, you’ll be able to get more out of your swing and get the most out of the shots you hit on the fairway.

Hip Rotation Drill

The Hip Rotation Drill is one of the best exercises you can do to improve fairway wood trajectory. Proper hip rotation is key to generating power and maintaining a consistent arc in the swing. Begin by assuming your golf stance and grabbing a fairway wood in your hands.

Rotate your hips as far back as possible in your backswing without moving your upper body. Then, rotate your hips back to face your target during your follow-through. Do this a few times and ensure your hip rotation is controlled and smooth.

Alignment Drill 

The Alignment Drill is another great exercise to help improve the trajectory of your fairway woods. Alignment is key to properly setting up your shots and ensuring the ball lands on the target line. Start by positioning your fairway wood at a target to perform this drill.

Place your club on the ground a few feet from the target line. Align your fairway wood’s clubface with this marker. Then, take your stance. As you take your stance, maintain proper alignment throughout your swing. It will ensure your clubface remains square to your target line at impact.

Swing Path Drill 

The Swing Path Drill is a great way to improve your fairway wood trajectory. This drill encourages the inside to outside swing path, resulting in a higher pitch and longer reach. Start by setting up on a ball with your fairway wood.

Place an alignment stick (or club shaft) just outside your intended swing path on the inside. As you hit, swing the clubhead along your intended swing path and brush the alignment stick on your way through. It will encourage the correct swing path and allow you to hit the fairway woods with higher, more controlled trajectories.

Flexibility Exercises 

In addition, incorporating strength and flexibility into your training program can drastically improve the trajectory of your fairway wood. Strengthen your core and lower back muscles for stability and increased swing power.

Flexibility exercises, especially those for the hip, shoulder, and thoracic spinal cord, can help improve your swing range and allow you to have a more fluid swing with better clubhead speed.

Ball Rotation Throw 

One of the most popular rotational exercises is the Ball rotational throw. Rotational power is key in creating clubhead speed on the fairway wood. To do this, stand with your feet at shoulder height and grab the medicine ball with both hands.

Then, turn your torso right to bring the ball behind you and then explode your torso left to throw the ball as far forward as possible. Do this for a few sets and aim for maximum power from each throw. 

Impact Bag Drill 

The Impact Bag Drill is another great drill. It’s designed to improve your ball striking and help you hit your fairway woods in the right impact position. Place an impact bag (or stack of foam pads) where you would normally hit a golf ball. Then, grab your fairway wood.

Take slow practice swings, and focus on hitting the bag with your clubhead. Notice how your hand moves, the angle of your clubface, and your overall swing path. Doing this drill consistently will help you build muscle memory for the right impact position, resulting in a better trajectory on your fairway woods.

Stability Exercise

You can also use a stability exercise to improve your fairway wood trajectory. Improving your core stability and balance will help you maintain a stable base throughout your swing and help you strike the ball more consistently.

Plank variations, single-leg balance exercises, rotational stability exercises, and more are all great ways to improve stability and your overall swing mechanics.

Where should your Weight be while Hitting a Fairway Wood?

When you hit a fairway wood, it’s important to balance your weight and transfer it throughout the swing to get consistent contact and the best trajectory. Here’s a breakdown of the weight distribution during different swing stages.

Balanced Stance 

Start with a neutral stance, feet shoulder-width apart. Place the ball in your stance, usually just inside your front heel. Bend your back away from the target to create a slight reverse.


Shift your weight into the inside of your back foot (right foot for left-handed golfers) as you begin your backswing. Avoid overshooting the back foot. Instead, keep your balance while shifting your weight to the back foot.

Top of the Backswing 

Your weight should be mostly on the back foot at the top of the backswing, but you should feel ready to move into the downswing.

Transition to Downswing 

Shift your weight back to your front foot as you begin the downswing. The weight transfer should be gradual, giving you a strong transition and a wide angle of attack.


When you hit the ball, most of the weight should have shifted to your front foot. This forward weight transfer helps you hit the ball from a shallower angle and makes it easier to hit the ball upswing. Keep your front foot firm (on the left side for right-hand golfers) so you don’t slide.

Follow Through 

Once you’ve completed your follow-through, keep shifting your weight to your front foot. When you’re at the finish line, most of your weight should be on your front foot with your back in front of the finish line.

Final Thoughts 

To sum up, hitting a low trajectory on fairway woods is a never-ending puzzle in golf. It’s all about finding the right balance between your ball position, your swing mechanics and the right club you’re using. The key to unlocking that height and distance is knowing how far back in your stance your ball will land.

When you know how much of an impact your ball will have if it’s too far back, you can adjust your swing to promote a higher angle of attack. That’s how you turn a skimmed trajectory into a majestic flight.

You’re also searching for the right fairway wood when looking for a low trajectory. Choosing the right loft on your fairway wood turns your swing into an artistry dance to get the best launch conditions possible.

As you go through this process, each swing feels like a new level of refinement, a blend of technique and self-awareness. Hanging out on a high fairway wood trajectory encapsulates what golf is about: a never-ending pursuit of improvement and mastery. Challenges become a stepping stone to better performance on the golf course.

For more inspiration you can read our guides: best fairway woods for Senior Ladies and 3 hybrid vs 4 hybrid.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is the Fairway Wood Easy to Hit?

The Fairway Wood and the Hybrid are the longest clubs you’ll hit off the tee. That’s why they’re consistently some of the most difficult clubs to hit for a beginner. But with the right swing, they can get you out of a lot of trouble and help you score well on the long par 4s and the par 5s.

Can the fairway wood be adjusted?

The club comes with an easy-to-use adjustment wrench that can be used to remove the head of the screw and begin the process of adjusting the cogs surrounding the hosel. To open or loosen a screw in a fairway wood, insert the wrench into the opening of the screw. Turn the wrench anti-clockwise to open the screw, and to tighten a screw, turn the wrench clockwise.

Why are woods hard to hit?

The lower the center of gravity, the higher the ball will spin. The higher the center, the less spin the ball will have. For example, a 3-wood with the deepest face on the fairway wood will throw the ball farther, resulting in a center of gravity that makes it harder to spin.

Muhammad Zafar
