Affiliate Disclaimer

Affiliate Disclosure For GolfCLUBS129


All the information provided by GolfClubs129 is meant for general informational purposes. The content on the site is all provided in good faith and honestly. Also, we did not take any responsibility or warranty regarding the credibility, sufficiency, availability, or accuracy of any information on the site. 

We also included Affiliate Links in some of our posts and product pages. If you purchase anything after clicking on one of those links, You won’t pay any additional fees, but we will receive a tiny commission that helps keep the lights on. 

Our website participates in the affiliate advertising program run by Amazon Services LLC Associates, which allows websites to make money by linking to and advertising on

GolfCLUBS129 only promotes goods and products that align with our values and that our audience will find useful. Buying something using an affiliate link is entirely up to you. 

We appreciate your support, By using our affiliate links, you help us maintain and improve our website to continue providing our readers with relevant and engaging content. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our affiliate partnerships or how we uphold our editorial integrity.

For Any Query Please Email Us

  • By using our website, you agree to our disclosure.

Thank You For Your Support.

